Your Personal Information:
When you enroll in one of our study courses, we will ask you for the following information to establish or update your student account: First Name, Middle Name, Last Name, Contact Phone Number, Email Address, Credit Card number, Credit Card Expiration Date, and Zip Code. We will use the phone number or email address to contact you only if we have to (for example, to notify you of a substantial change in FAA testing requirements or procedures, to get your assistance if your credit card declines, to email you a receipt, etc.) We do not advertise via email or phone, and we do not sell, give, or otherwise grant anyone other than Sheppard Air, Inc. personnel access to your personal information.
Internet Communications Conducted by the Flight Test Learning Platform software:
If you have an internet connection while studying with the Flight Test learning platform software, it will periodically send a series of requests for information to our Internet server computers. Those requests can include:
This way we are able to ensure that the course materials you are studying are up-to-date, provided you do have an Internet connection. (FAA questions change frequently, often several times a quarter, so it is essential to check for and receive updates as often as possible.) All of the above communication processes are request-type processes; in other words, only a request for information is sent from your computer, and then the actual information comes back to you from our server. The only instances where any actual information is sent from your computer to our central server is the following:
We make every effort to ensure that our Flight Test learning platform software comes to you completely virus-free (which is one reason it is packaged the way it is), and we do not allow any type of spyware, pop-ups, or "in-app" advertising to reside on or within any of our web site pages, our Internet servers, or our software packages.
Our Service Commitment to You:
Sheppard Air's primary interest is in providing you with an outstanding computer-based learning system for preparing you for your FAA knowledge test. We are here providing our subscribers 24-hour a day, 365-day a year personal support because of our commitment to your success. If you have further questions, please call us and ask us in person.