Here is a collection of references that you may find helpful while studying for your test or while working as an instructor (many test questions came from these sources). Most of these carry a copyright from the author(s), but are published for free distribution.
Note: In many cases we have kept the previous version of a publication available for you because the previous version documents the answer to a current study question more word-for-word than the newer version does.
FAA Handbooks & Advisory Circulars:
FAA Weather Advisory Circulars:
FAA Testing Supplements (Figures Books):
Miscellaneous Documents - Forms - Links:
The following references are the sources for some FAA test questions, but they are copyrighted by the author(s) and are not available for free. They can be purchased from either the Government Printing Office or your favorite book retailer (though chances are you won't need them for your studying).